Monday, February 16, 2015

Tuesday Coffee Chat: When No One is Watching

I'm joining Leslie at Time Out for Mom for Tuesday Coffee Chat. (Well, in MY case hot cocoa.) Why not link up too? This week's prompt:

Dance like no one is watching. Who are you when no one is watching?


I'm boring.

*I* don't think I'm dull. I'd like to think my kids don't think I'm dull. Or my fiance, friends and family. But I really don't live an exciting life with or without someone watching.

And I'm A-OK with that.

I've had enough "excitement" in the last couple of years, enough stress and anxiety, enough being thrown for a loop. A simple, slow life is for me!

On those RARE occasions I'm alone, I bounce from being productive and being  lazy relaxed. If there's no one to see the dirty dishes, what's the rush in getting them done? After all, my crocheting projects await! 

But I do get my household needs completed, the animals taken care of, errands done, and then it's PJs, a cozy blanket, a movie in the DVD player, and a computer and/or crochet project on my lap.

Wild, huh?


  1. Living a life without stress is a huge accomplishment. I like the KISS philosophy (Keep it simple stupid) and it works for me.

    1. Definitely! I'd rather have a simple, uncomplicated life than one filled with stress, anxiety and drama. Besides, I'm content with my "excitement"! LOL

  2. I agree with the KISS theory!! I think way too many people in this world have confused "drama" and "chaotic living" with Excitement. "I'm Alive!!". Instead of just simply being in moments that are pure and simple. The world doesn't seem to know what having a Big Life truly is.
    If you enjoy you're own company in this manner, I think you are way ahead of everyone else. :)

    1. Absolutely! I don't think people know how to enjoy QUIET and ALONE anymore. When people are alone they tend to turn to social media, texting, etc. so that they aren't ALONE. Enjoying the our own company can be a time of destressing, contentment, growth.

  3. I like things like that, too. Who' is to say what or who is boring, anyway?!

    1. I like boring! I'm perfectly OK with it. To me it isn't boring, but some may think so. LOL

  4. Boring is subject to interpretation - I'd look at it as mellow and relaxed. ;) I'm like you when I have some blissful (and rare) alone time - bounce between being mega productive to being deliciously lazy. ;)

    Non-Random and What You See is What You Get: RTT Rebel with a side of Coffee Chat


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