Friday, October 9, 2015

Weekly Wrap-up: Week 6 - The One with the Sun and a Struggle

Cate continued to work on her English Grammar 101, finishing up pronouns and starting verbs. She's building her vocabulary with Vocab Test. But the real vocab building comes from inspiring books like Through the Looking Glass, her current read. She's struggling to keep on task with her essay writing, preferring creative writing, but she wrote up a great information piece on famous historical women pirates this week. And math? She's mastered 69% of pre-algebra on Khan Academy.

Sam worked on language arts with his Grammar and Writing Handbook. It's not his favorite, but we're tackling it in small "chunks". He's much quicker and more confident writing a "perfect paragraph" now, one with a main topic, supporting sentences and a succinct closing. He's reading The Great Brain, a longer, harder book that he's used to, but I think he'll enjoy the zany happenings of another 10-year-old boy. He's half way through Handwriting Without Tears cursive. Spelling, like handwriting, continues to be a challenge for him. He's on week 4 of Grade Spelling. And math? He's mastered 45% of math 4 on Khan Academy.

Sam almost finished Apologia Astronomy Lesson 2 this week with 3 hands-on projects. He modeled a solar eclipse using an inflated globe "ball", a ping pong ball and a flashlight, used a compass to place a paper sundial outside to read time, and made a pinhole viewing box for safer observing of eclipses. Each project requires a notebook page write up for his science journal, which he is working on now. This journal will be a great source of accomplishment for him at the end of the year!

It's always bring a smile to my face to see my kids follow their own interests with excitement, creativity and focus. After watching a video on You Tube, Sam gathered up the supplies he needed and built a popsicle stick gun that shoots toothpicks. Now, no worries, he's being responsible and safe with it. This kid is going to build some great things in the future!

Cate finished Apologia General Science Module 2 on Scientific Inquiry on Monday, receiving an 85% on her final test. Most of the week was spent on Module 3, learning to analyze and interpret experiments. 

Do you have a subject that just isn't "flowing"? Every year we have one subject that gets pushed aside for all the other things we study. This year? It's history. Cate is studying Ancient Music History with Easy Peasy, and plans on doing all 4 years this year by doing a week each school day. (The weekly requirements aren't that strenuous.) And Sam? We've been watching US History videos here, but they just aren't capturing the depth I would like. I'll be making changes in the coming weeks; I'm just not sure what yet...Both kids watch CNN Student News, and Sam plays US Geography games. He's consistently matching 42 states to their "shape".


As always, special thanks to these bloggers for their weekly homeschool blog link-ups. Click on over to see what other homeschoolers are doing!

 photo 337a3ef2-b881-48f4-8a2c-9c69e457cb5b_zps8b6152cf.pngHomegrown LearnersWeird Unsocialized Homeschoolers

Happy Homeschooling!


  1. Thanks for linking! We are using the Veritas Self Paced HIstory Course for Ancient History and it's WONDERFUL -- just an FYI!

  2. Jessy - seems like everyone is plugging along! Have a great weekend and wonderful next week in school!

    1. Thanks for stopping in, Melissa! We've certainly settled into a routine already. It's nice after a long summer break to have some "schedule" to the day (although I wish there was less on-the-road time). See you next Friday!

  3. It always seems like you get so much done in a week. Do you have more hours than the rest of us? LOL

    1. LOL Thanks, Phyllis! Without TV and limited video games, we can get quite a bit of stuff done and then still have time for more.

  4. My oldest daughter just started with Khan Academy and we are loving it so far.

    1. I don't know about the other subjects, but I love that you can monitor the math ones and get print outs of what they've studied, how much time the worked on problems and watched videos, and even what they're struggling with. Pretty neat feature!

  5. I'm with Phyllis! I seriously think you guys have longer days up there. I love all the science pictures this week. It looks like it was so much fun.

    1. Maybe all this stuff is why I sleep so easily at night...LOL How ironic that I always think you and Phyllis have such busy weeks!

  6. You all are up to great stuff. I am glad the sun came out for you all. We are doing a review in history this year with the Genevieve Foster books.
    Blessings, Dawn

    1. I stopped doing reviews a couple of years ago. I miss doing them, but the kids did not enjoy the interruption with their regular studies. I still use some of the items we review though!

  7. Spelling is our subject that's just not jiving this year. I'm spending the weekend looking for alternate approaches. I feel you on your history struggles!

    1. There always seems to be one subject that isn't quite going the way I would like, or it doesn't have the interest or breadth I'd like. But as homeschoolers we're able to try something else!

  8. You guys have been very busy with academics this week! Your hands-on projects look fun!

    1. Thanks, Sylvia! Another busy week! I'm late getting to my comments! LOL

  9. Thanks - I'm going to have to find out what CNN Student News is about.

    1. Hi Stef! It's 10 minutes of current world events for middle and high schoolers. A quick, interesting and fun way for the kids to get in current events!


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