Leslie asks this week, " The long work day is done, you arrive home and the first thing you do...?"
I've been a stay-at-home mama for 12 years. Don't let that fool you though: I'm hardly stay at home. Oh, how I wish to have ONE full day at home with no where to run to!
Sometimes I celebrate when a snow storm is forecasted to shut down the roads...
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So, today is Tuesday, and Tuesday is a "slow day". (After all, I have time to blog this morning. Sort of. In avoidance of more housework.)
To Do List
Get Hubby Off to Work with Coffee and Lunch
Get Jake to Carpool for School
Wash Dirty Dishes
Homeschool Cate and Sam
Figure Out Why the Vacuum Sounds like a Car with a Bad Exhaust
Wash Clothing and Hang Outside to Dry
Wash Dirty Dishes
Bake Chocolate Chip Pumpkin Oatmeal Cookies
Make Chicken and Dumplings for Dinner
Hard boil Eggs for Snacks and Sandwiches
Wash Dirty Dishes
Dump Trash and Recyclables off at Transfer Station
Lego Club
Pick Up Jake from Carpool
Add Clean Pine Shavings to Coop
Sweep and Mop Floors
Wash Dirty Dishes
Clean Counters
Fold and Put Away Laundry
Boy Scouts
I'm sure I'm forgetting something...Do I need to make a trip to the store?
When the day is done, I'm looking forward to changing into cozy PJs, climbing into bed (with cocoa if the kids haven't drank it all) and watching "The Voice" while crocheting.
Look at my son's afghan...
Join Leslie at Ink Interrupted for Tuesday's Coffee Chat. (And, readers, I'll try very hard to get to comments and visit your blogs this week. Sometimes the week just gets away from me.)

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