Saturday, April 2, 2011

What My Child is Reading: March 27-April 2nd

J's QUITE enjoying A Mighty Fortress by David Weber. It is the final book in his Safehold series. And he's been reading Hatchet by Gary Paulsen for Literature Studies. 

C's reading Brighty: Of the Grand Canyon by Marguerite Henry.

S is beginning to read easy readers. He reads 2-3 Hooked on Phonics: Learn to Read books, Bob Books Level 1 or Learning Language Arts Through Literature Blue readers each day. He especially enjoys the humor in the HOP: LR and Bob Books!

Definitely check out How to Bake a Perfect Life by Barbara O'Neal! I finished this book and hope to find The Lost Recipe for Happiness next! It's a novel about a divorced Mom keeping her bakery afloat while supporting her pregnant daughter with her injured soldier-husband, caring for her step-granddaughter and having a second chance of love with a man from her teenage years. This is MOST definitely an adult novel though. I read Brighty: Of the Grand Canyon as well. And picked up one of my Mom's Romance-style novels (which isn't usually the type of book I read).

Our Read Aloud books this week were limited as we were visiting family 200 miles away from home. I did continue on with our chapter book, Pippi Longstocking by Astrid Lingren, when time permitted between family activities, some school work and outings. 

What did you read this week?


  1. Great books! I love books by Marguerite Henry and all things Pippi :)
    Your "just for Mom" selections look good too! I work in a library, and Sherryl Woods is very popular, and I'm sure I've seen the Barbara O'Neal book before too.

  2. I loved Brighty as a kid.

    Bob books are popular at our house too.

  3. My daughter really never did express interest in the BOB books. She likes books that have more intricate illustration.

    You know, I've always wanted to read Pippi Longstocking. Does it make an interesting read aloud? I loved watching the movie when I was a child.

  4. I have to get Pippi one of these days, even though my personal favorite of Astrid Lingren has always been Carlson stories. It's great that you are finding time to read "books for adults" too. Thank you for joining WMCIR!


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