Monday, May 9, 2011

Snapshot Summary: Another Nature Walk with NEW Discoveries

After a few days of gloom, rain and cool temperatures, the bright sun popped out today. So, after lunch we headed out for a leisurely walk with the dog. We headed down to the beginning of our dirt road where there are ponds on both sides of the road and a stream that flows through one side to the other via a huge culvert, and then we went up another road and crossed over to follow an ATV trail in the woods back home. We made some new discoveries along the way!
New Leaves on Elderberry Shrub
New Cherry Tree Leaves
Robin's Bird Nest
C Found a REALLY Big Feather
Colt's Foot
Fiddlehead Ferns
Marsh Marigolds
Lesser Duckweed
Pussy Willow
Common Milkweed
Sedimentary Rock C Found
Purple Trillium
Birch and Pine Trees
It didn't take long for those little black flies to come out once the weather turned warmer! Time for bug spray during our future walks...and tick checks. After our meandering, relaxing walk, we sipped sun-seeped raspberry tea!


  1. how do you know all these plants? I am terrible

  2. Hi following from the hop look forward to more great posts

  3. Those are some beautiful pictures! :) Thanks for visiting! :)

  4. thanks for following, following back!


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