Over the weekend, S had his final Basketball Skills and Drills and got his participation trophy. He had a GREAT time! (We're SO fortunate to have wonderful community members who volunteer their time and energy for our Recreational Sports program!) C had her Basketball Round Robin. Players on the High School varsity team coached. They said C had talent! She's learned SO much about the game since starting last year! And J had a disappointing loss against one of the better teams in the league, but he played HARD and WELL (and needed a shower afterward - YUCK!).
S with his Trophy and Ball |
C with her Trophy |
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY SWEET S! He turned 6 on Sunday! And HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY WONDERFUL J! He turned 12 on Tuesday!
Have you seen Despicable Me? Such a cute movie! With lots of laughs! Monday afternoon we watched it with a friend. And J, C and I played some games of Sorry!, Guess Who Extra and Rummikub.
A Fun Game of Sorry! |
Tuesday S had another session of "Astronaut Training" at OT to help with his vision processing difficulties (and his SPD). Slowly but surely I've noticed some small improvements with his ability to track words from word-to-word and line-to-line. It's still a struggle some mornings for him to read his Hooked on Phonics: Learn to Read, but he
IS learning to read and tries
SO hard.
Wednesday! The weather was chilly, but sunny when we headed out to study different kinds of evergreens or conifers. Check out what we did
LOTS of bright sunshine on
Thursday! J had his Not Math Math where they studied hexaflaxagons. And in the afternoon the kids' friends came over to play games, chase each other, create with homemade modeling dough, and get soaked in the melting snow.C and S went to PJ Storytime at the library, listened to books on snowman and made sand snowmen.
How to Make Flexagons |
C's Sand Snowman |
Drip! Drip! Another warm...well, for Maine in February...day on Friday. The kids completed their core subject daily assignments and after lunch we painted Georgia O'Keeffe-inspired painting for this month's Artist Study. Check out our paintings and notebook pages here!
J's Accomplishments:Teaching Textbooks Lessons 75-77, Chapter 10 test (95.65%)
Apologia General Science Module 8: Uniformitarianism and Catastrophism (94.11%)
Teacher's Cafe Middle School Grammar - Verb Tenses
Wordly Wise Lessons 18 and 19
Creative Composition - Mystery
DK's History of the World Chapters 16 and 17
Sheppard Software World Geography Games
Dance Mat Typing
J's Stack of Wordly Wise Vocabulary |
J's Mod 8 Lap n Note |
J's Mod 8 Lap n Note |
C's Accomplishments:Saxon Math 54 Lessons 63-65, Supplemental Practice
Handwriting Without Tears
History Pockets: Native Americans - Iroquois/Seminole
All About Spelling Step 7 and 8
Apologia Zoology III: Chapter 9 Even-toed Ungulates
Creative Writing - Letter (2)
Daily Grams Day 12-19
Scott Foreman Grammar and Writing Handbook Verbs in Sentences
C's History Pocket: Native Americans |
C's History Pocket: Native Americans |
C Sewing Her Blanket |
S's Accomplishments:
Hooked on Phonics: Learn to Read pp 36-39
Handwriting Without Tears U, W and V
Get Ready for Kindergarten Math pp 86-94, 143-148
Soft School's Addition Games
Kumon Mazes
Blank 100 Grid 31-35
Dover Coloring Book: Cars and Trucks Dot-to-Dot
Magnetic Color Cubes: Mosaics
Health Lapbook (from Homeschool Share)
S's Mini Books: Food Groups and Taking Care of Self |
S's Mini-Books: Inside the Body |
S's Color-by-Addition Peacock |
S's Mini Books: Bomes |
On Our Bookshelf This Week:Meet ______: An American Girl (C's been working through EVERY girl.)
The Apocalypse Troll by David Weber (J)
Germs Make me Sick by Melvin Berger (S)
The Skeleton Inside You by Philip Balestrino (S)
Dem Bones by Bob Barner (S)
Don't forget - the Great Backyard Bird Count starts today! Click on the button on my sidebar to participate! It's quick and easy! And you don't have to participate all weekend. We already entered our numbers for 15 minutes of observing this afternoon: 2 Mourning Doves, 2 Blue Jays, 5 Black-capped Chickadees, and 3 Tufted Titmice.
Black-Capped Chickadee |
That's our week! Thanks for reading! Check out other wrap-ups by clicking on the Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers button on my side bar. And join up with the Hip Homeschool Hop!