1. Did you do anything 'memorable' this past weekend?
It was the first weekend that my husband and I had all our children together since marrying. We have 5 kids together, ages 16, 13, 13, 10 and 9 1/2. We camped overnight at a friend's house then went to a baseball game in the city. My daughter marched in 3 different Memorial Day parades. And we played baseball together as a family and BBQed. A fun, exhausting weekend!
2. Ronald Reagan is quoted as saying "Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same."
Your thoughts? Don you somewhat acknowledge and appreciate the freedoms you enjoy? Did your upbringing contribute to that sense of appreciation? If you're a parent, are there specific things you do to pass on this sense of responsibility and appreciation to your own children in regard to the freedoms they enjoy?
With the world like it is, both "home" and abroad, the principles the U.S. have been founded on are at risk of being taken away. Protecting and fighting for them is part of being American. Although I can't say I have devoted a lot of time to discussing freedoms with the kids, I encourage them to be citizens that protect their environment, use resources wisely and be responsible decision-makers.
3. Loudest noise you have ever heard?
I don't think I've ever heard anything unusually loud; fireworks, back-firing vehicles, gun shots, concerts, and thunder have been some of the loudest sounds I've heard.
4. What was the last thing you ate that might be considered 'junk food'? Did you enjoy it?
For dinner tonight, Cati made cheese pizza. Using jarred sauce, pre-made crusts and shredded cheese from the store, she baked 2 pies for us. Although not as good as the local pizza place, it was quick, inexpensive and satisfied the pizza cravings.
5. When was the last time you were somewhere the crowd felt 'packed in like sardines'?
Memorial Day weekend officially started the "camp" season around here. Campers, trucks and vehicles were backed up for miles Friday afternoon and evening. The convenient store was hopping with people. I was happy to return home out of the chaos!
6. Are you organized when it comes to packing for a trip? Do you make a list weeks in advance or toss items in last minute? Are you a carry-on only sort of packer or do you need an entire suitcase for your shoes?
I'm definitely a planner and start early if I can. Perhaps not weeks in advance, but early enough that I'm usually assured not to forget something. Everything fits in a carry-on as it quickens the process of getting out of the airport (and there's no lost luggage). If we're in a car then I tend to bring a few extras items I wouldn't on a plane such as snacks and drinks, more clothing and shoes, and some entertainment items like books and electronics.
7. What was the last sporting event you attended? Did you team win? Did you care?
Just this past weekend, Tom and I drove into the city with our kids for a AA baseball game. Our local team is the Portland Seadogs, affiliated with the Boston Red Sox. They lost 2-3, but we had a great time just the same.
8. Insert your own random thought here.
Join Joyce from From This Side of the Pond for Wednesday Hodgepodge. Share in the randomness!
Happy Hodgepodging!
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