Friday, April 20, 2012

TOS Review: Crypto Mind Benders: Famous Quotations

"Crypto Mind Benders® develop several of the deductive thinking skills taught in the award-winning Mind Benders® series without the use of word problems. This feature makes these thinking-rich activities easier to use with non-English speakers. The classic quotes and jokes also help ELL/ESL learners further understand the English language and culture. Perfect for school, home, and travel, they are popular as brain jump-start, extra credit, sponge, or reward activities. The exercises are also great for adult cognitive maintenance." - The Critical Thinking Company

I knew this was going to be an interesting review. Why? Well, White Pine LOVES these kind of "deductive and mathematical reasoning" puzzles, but Sugar Maple...not so much. She's like me. ((wink)) But we've had fun with Mind Benders in the past and I thought it would be neat to solve puzzles with the purpose of finding out what the famous quotation was. Oh, and I tried them too! (Hey! It's for Grades 3-12+. I'm the 12+! LOL) If you want a sneak peak at what's inside this workbook, click here!

"Oh, I figured out the first two!" - Me (?), Surprised Non-puzzler
"Once you get a hang of these, they're easy to figure out!" - White Pine (13), Master Puzzle-Solver
((sign)) - Sugar Maple (10), Non-puzzler

White Pine whizzed through these puzzles, but it took poor Sugar Maple much longer to figure them out, She stuck with it though and solved a few. Despite one finding them "easy" and the other finding them "hard", it was GREAT practice in reading carefully, organizing information effectively and creative problem-solving; skills that all kids (and parents) need. I would DEFINITELY recommend The Critical Thinking Company's puzzle books! These are perfect puzzles for those kids who love to solve codes! Or us Moms and Dads who like to sharpen our thinking skills to stay up with our kiddos! LOL

Want more information? Or to order this or other great critical thinking puzzle books from the Critical Thinking Company? Click here!

Disclaimer: As a member of The Old Schoolhouse Homeschool Crew, Our Side of the Mountain was provided this product free in exchange for our honest review. All thoughts and opinions are our own.   

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