Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Wednesday Hodgepodge: A Bunch of Words

1. What's surprised you most about your life, or about life in general?

Oh, my life has had many unexpected twists and turns! But I am still surprised some days to be married to Tom, and the love and devotion as share.  I haven't had that before and it's a true blessing.

2. Among others, these ten words were added to the Oxford English Dictionary this year...awesomesaucebeer o'clockbrain fartbuttdialcat cafe(apparently this is a real thing), fatberg (gross-read the definition here)fat shamehangryMx (gender neutral), and skippable. 

Your thoughts? In looking over the list, which word do you find most ridiculous? Which word would you never in a million years say out loud? Which word would you be most likely to use in conversation?

I've used "buttdial" (and actually BUTTDIALED someone). I haven't even heard of most of the other words! How do you pronounce Mx? I think emoji was also added. Was bae added? Why would anyone use bae? Don't these kids know what it means? The richness of our language is faltering.

3. Do you like gravy? Is there a food you'd rather not eat unless it comes with gravy? Do you make your own or buy the canned or store-made variety? Turkey and gravy, sausage gravy, mashed potatoes and gravy, country ham and red eye gravy, biscuits and chocolate gravy, pot roast and gravy...which one on the list is your favorite?

What's this chocolate gravy you speak of? Until Tom, I just bought the jar gravy, but he prefers to make it from drippings. I do like turkey and gravy, and pot roast and gravy, and I like a pepper gravy on our breakfast pizzas, but gravy is something I can take-or-leave.

4. Do you have a plan? Do you need a plan? Have you ever had a plan fall into a trillion pieces? Explain.

I am a planner. I don't like surprises, and I like to have as much control over situations as I can. Of course those plans don't always go off without a hitch...

5. November 19 is National Play Monopoly Day. Do you own the original or some version of the game? Do you enjoy playing Monopoly? How likely is it you'll play a game of Monopoly on November 19th? Ever been to Atlantic City? Ever taken a ride on a railroad? Is parking in your town free? Last thing you took a chance on?

Nah ah! Please don't make me play! I'll play Skip Bo, Cribbage, Uno, Trouble, Sorry!, and even Clue, but not Monopoly. We have the original and junior versions as well as the Maine and Star Wars, and I don't like to play ANY of them. It has to be the longest, more boring game ever!

6. A song you like that has the word (or some form of the word) thanks in the title, lyrics, or meaning?

So, I googled songs with thanks in them. Not one did I recognize! I'm going to have to see what other hodgepodgers say.

7. In keeping with this month's theme of gratitude....what is something you're taking for granted that when you stop and think about it, you're grateful for?

A working vehicle! My van has been in the shop for a week now. Again. Although we have 2 other ITTY BITTY cars (with one not legal for the road), it's been a challenge juggling work, school and family life.

8. Insert your own random thought here.

Join Joyce from From This Side of the Pond for Wednesday Hodgepodge. Share in the randomness!

Happy Hodgepodging!


  1. We always appreciate things more when we don't have them, don't we? I had to drive my hubby's car for a bit when he needed to drive my bigger car. I did not like it. Ha.

  2. This was fun to read! My daughter and I have actually (embarrassingly) used the word applesauce!


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